As sweet as a watermelon and as strong as demitasse of coffee at mid-afternoon Gender and Feminism 19/03/2022
We are more than our bodies: an exploration of the artwork of Avan Omar Art and Literature 29/04/2023
The Rise of Peacock Angel[1]: Capturing Decolonized Kurdistan and Subjectivity Art and Literature 19/11/2022
Jîna, Zara, Zeinab, and the Emancipatory Limitations of the Dominant Feminism in Iran[1] Articles and Essays 21/11/2022
The Rise of Peacock Angel[1]: Capturing Decolonized Kurdistan and Subjectivity Art and Literature 19/11/2022
Can the President of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq Cry? Culture Project Articles and Essays 17/11/2016
An interview with Lanja Khawe one of the cofounders of Sofia Girls group. Culture Project Gender and Feminism 30/12/2016
Book launch and reception for renowned Kurdish novelist Bakhtiyar Ali Culture Project Activities and Events 25/02/2017
The Meaning of Art: Rezan Betoula’s Identity and Self-Liberation Culture Project Art and Literature 15/11/2020 5 min read0