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By Livyar
Thank you.
Yes, thank you,
For if it wasn’t for your narcissistic persona
Violent tendencies and villainous identity
Your invisible shackles would remain indefinitely
So really, I should appreciate your aggressive, vulgar disposition
For it Ignite this blazing spirit born to defy your existence
A champion against all emblems of your abuse, manipulation and exploitation
Unknowingly sculpting me to have all true attributes of durability and fortitude
Carefully crafting a character of independence and resilience
For it was your gun which backfired its bullets against you
You taught me that the visibility of my skin determines my decency
And my idle tounge was famed with reverence
My passive persona was a propriety
As you forbid questions
Only later realising your control was the key weapon,
A backfire to your strategy
Rather inspiring me to set upon an odyssey to seek emancipation
Challenging your authority
As your orders would meet the tip of my gun
Loaded with rose thorns ready to splinter your unjust tounge
So yes,
I should really be thanking you
For without you
I would not be me
Strong, independent, always challenging ascendancy
You cultivated an image of an aggressor
A beast, a monster
An insight in what type of men I should avoid in the future
Yes Father, yes Bawka, yes Baba
An epitome of everything bad in this dunya
Stained by your ruthless authority
I will never forget the day you failed to condemn the murder of Banaaz
Rather esteem, revere and champion her vulgar father
Your mind-set reflected the true essence of your personality
An absence of humanity, no inkling of sympathy
Rather I knew you were the same as the oppressors of our community
A man’s world, no space for a female’s identity
But it’s okay
Because growing up
I realised these were fundamental ingredients, a recipe to breed a generation
In formation to fight your perceptions
We have voices you see
A narration an epiphany
You gave us incentives to dedicate our lives to help the victims of your cunning demise
So, thank you baba
Yes, thank you,
For if it wasn’t for your narcissistic persona
Violent tendencies and villainous identity
Your invisible shackles would remain indefinitely
And my oppressed compatriots, beginning with my mother,
would not have overcome the trauma, violence and brutality
you have so beautifully
graced us with.